Saturday, November 2nd

Cat is Back! Lindy Hop Workshop

with Catrine Ljunggren (Sweden) & Nathan Dias (SF, CA)

Catrine & Nathan Frog Jump

World-renowned Lindy Hopper, dancer and teacher Catrine Ljunggren is also the infamous “Cat” of Cat’s Corner, who founded, taught and ran the weekly dance party with Nathan for nearly 5 years at Savanna Jazz Club before she moved away for other pursuits.

On November 2nd,  Bay Area dancers have a now-rare chance to benefit from Catrine’s expert dance instruction as well as enjoy her quirky personality and one-of-a-kind charm!

Register today and save up to $15!


Saturday, November 2nd Class Description
Morning Session 11:15am – 12:30pm

Savoy Swingout Intensive
+ Jazzing up your Lindy

(Cat and Nathan)

Lunch Break
Afternoon Session 1:30 – 2:45pm Cakewalk
(Solo Jazz with Cat)
3:00 – 4:15pm

Lindy Hop with
Lots of Charleston

(Cat and Nathan)


The Women’s Building, Auditorium
3543 18t Street, SF, 94110 (near Valencia)

Workshop Costs

Full Workshop (3 classes): $50 early / $60 full price registration by Friday, November 1.
Afternoon Session Only (2 classes) : $35 early / $45 full price registration by November 1.

LEADERS NEEDED! To keep classes balanced, only leaders and couples may sign up at the moment. FOLLOWERS: you may still join if you find a leader to sign up with you!

Sign up today and save your spot in class!

Class Descriptions

Savoy Swingout Intensive + Jazzing up your Lindy Hop

Part 1: tune up your technique and swingout in the fast and flashy style of the Rhythm Hot Shots — based on their extensive training with original Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers Frankie Manning, Al Minns and Norma Miller! (approx. 30 minutes)

Part 2: polish up your swing era jazz steps and incorporate them in your partner dancing (approx. 45 minutes)

Solo Jazz: The Cakewalk

Dance the signature steps and learn the aesthetics that epitomize this jazz dance from the late 19th century, with grandiose, high-toned movements that predate and influenced the Charleston and Lindy Hop. (75 minutes)

Lindy Hop with Lots of Charleston

Learn fun, bouncy, kicky, stretchy Charleston variations geared toward dancing to fast tempos and spicing up your Lindy Hop!

About the Instructors

Catrine Ljunggren - International Lindy Hop Dance Teacher

Catrine “Cat” Ljunggren (Sweden & NYC)

Catrine has been a profesional dance performer and teacher since 1985.

She has a rich tradition to share based on her personal experinces learning from two of the founding fathers of lindy hop, Al Mins and Frank Manning. As a founder and member of the dance group ”The Rhythm Hot Shots” 1985 – 2002 (today The Harlem Hot Shots) she was part of the Lindy Hop revival. For 17 years she traveled together with the group around the world teaching and performing the Lindy Hop and other dances from that era like the Charleston, Authentic Jazz and Tap. She was a previous owner and organizer of Herrang dance camp from 89 – 02 and also the organizer of “Hop the Millenium” in Mexico 1999-2000.

During her last 10 years she has been teaching at international workshops together with dance partner Elliott Donnelley. While living in San Francisco she started Cat’s Corner Swing Club where she taught regular classes. The club is still going strong and offers weekly classes and dances featuring live bands. In spring 2010 she worked at the George Lucas movie ”Red Tails”. For two years she lived among palm trees, coconuts and warm beaches where she’s taught children to tap dance. She’s recently lived in Sweden, helping to keep Frankie Manning’s memory and legacy alive teaching with his son, Chazz Young, and is now based in New York City, where she teaches at Dance Manhattan studio.

Nathan Thinking

Nathan Dias (SF, CA)

Award-winning dancer Nathan specializes in Lindy Hop, the high-energy swing dance from the 1930s and 40s, and has been teaching, performing and DJing since 2005. He started swing dancing in 1997 and lindy hopping in 2000. A regular dancer in San Francisco since 2001, Nathan enjoys the creativity and personal connection of social dancing as well as the challenge and satisfaction on working on and improving his dance.

He has taught at practically all of the local swing dance venues at one time or another, including the 9:20 Special, Lindy in the Park, Tuesday Night Jump, Rent Party and original Doghouse, and has been a featured instructor at regional workshops such as Swingin’ at the Savoy, California Swingin’, *Workshop (San Luis Obispo), Santa Swing (Santa Barbara), and Le Hot Sauce (SF).